Medicare Special Enrollment Periods (SEPs)

Exploring the 3 Ways You May Qualify Medicare offers Special Enrollment Periods (SEPs) that allow individuals to enroll in or switch Medicare plans outside of the standard enrollment periods. These SEPs are crucial for individuals who experience certain life events or qualify for specific circumstances. Let’s explore what qualifies you

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15 Essential Medicare Benefits You Might Not Know About

Get the most of your coverage so you can live your BEST LIFE! When it comes to Medicare, there’s more than meets the eye. In this blog, we’ll explore 15 lesser-known services covered by Original Medicare, with a focus on Original Medicare Part B. Whether you’re a new beneficiary or

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Choosing Your Medicare Advantage Plan: HMOs vs. PPOs

Choosing the right health plan shouldn’t be complicated. In this blog, we’ll explain the main differences between them, providing insights to help you make informed decisions. Think of this as your handy guide, with essential questions to make your healthcare choices easier and help you confidently pick between HMOs and

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Walk Your Dog Month: Motivating Wellness in 2024!

Unlocking Medicare Coverage Tips to Keep You on Track All Year Long As we stride into the new year, what better way to embrace a healthier lifestyle than by celebrating “Walk Your Dog Month”? The simple act of walking your dog not only brings joy to your furry companion but

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