Ep. 31 – “What’s to Come for Medicare in 2023 with Rosamaria Marrujo”

In this episode, I am talking with Rosamaria Marrujo. Rosamaria has been a true pioneer in the field of Medicare for over 20 years. Throughout her career, she has supported over 6,000 agents nationwide through her GA/FMO based out of California. Rosamaria Marrujo, of Trusted American Insurance Agency, is the current CAHU/CAHIP Medicare Chair, and […]
Ep. 30 – “Let Go Of What Isn’t Serving You & Create Space For What Will!”

In this episode, I am talking about how I have made changes in my life throughout this year that have allowed me to make room for exciting changes. Back in January, I made a list of personal and professional things that I wanted to tackle. I went through and wrote down commitments that weren’t serving […]
2023 Medicare Parts A & B Premiums and Deductibles 2023 Medicare Part D Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amounts

On September 27, 2022, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the 2023 premiums, deductibles, and coinsurance amounts for the Medicare Part A and Part B programs, and the 2023 Medicare Part D income-related monthly adjustment amounts. Medicare Part B Premium and Deductible Medicare Part B covers physician services, outpatient hospital services, certain […]
What is the Initial Coverage Election Period?

If you’re new to Medicare, you may be familiar with the Initial Enrollment Period (IEP), an election period that covers from 3 months before your 65th birthday to 3 months after. However, if you chose not to sign up for Part B during your IEP, there is another enrollment period available to you, known as […]
Ep. 29 – “Preventing “Tech Neck” & Taking Care of Your Body with Dr. Kent Hardenbrook”

In this episode, I am so excited to be joined by Dr. Kent Hardenbrook.He has been apracticing chiropractor for over 25 years and is passionate about teaching people to create new habits that will improve both their physical and mental health. Dr. Kent has worked with Ironman, USA soccer teams, and promotes Ergonomic education for tech […]
Ep. 28 – “Starting A Business: Networking, Challenges, & Culture with Samantha Siders”

In this episode, I am talking with Samantha Siders, the CEO and Trusted Benefits Partner at Siders Insurance Solutions. Samantha’s goal is to help people reach their full potential, whether it is her internal team or the clients that they serve. Her and her team at Siders Insurance Solutions work to help their clients reach their internal […]
Ep. 27 – “What Qualifies a Californian for Medi-Cal? with Michael McCabe”

In this twenty-seventh episode, I am re-releasing episode 18 in which I was joined by Michael McCabe to talk all about Medi-Cal. For the past twenty years, Michael’s job has been Medi-Cal planning, focusing on counseling people on the psychology and financing of a person facing long-term care needs. Through his work, Michael coaches his […]
Ep. 26 – “What is a Mental Health 5150?”

In this twenty-sixth episode, I am re-releasing episode 10 to emphasize the importance of understanding what a Mental Health 5150 is. You will hear from Renee Balcom, a health advocate advisor, to discuss how and when a 5150 should be incorporated in a situation. If you are ever with someone who is mentally unstable and […]
Ep. 25 – “How A Health Advocate Advisor Can Help: Part #2”

In this twenty-fifth episode, I am re-releasing Part 2 of my conversation with Renee Balcom, a health advocate advisor. In Part 1, Renee talked about how a health advocate advisor can help you make informed decisions when it comes to healthcare and how she helps her clients by creating a care plan. In Part 2, […]
Ep. 24 – “Insights From A Health Advocate Advisor: Part #1”

In this twenty-fourth episode, I am excited to re-release episode 7. In this episode, I had the chance to be joined by Renee Balcom, a health advocate advisor. Through her work, Renee helps people learn the healthcare system, understand the decisions they need to make, and cope with the challenges and strains of caregiving. Renee […]