Discover How Our Executive Benefit Review Can Help You

Fill The Gap

In today’s competitive business landscape, attracting and retaining top executive talent is critical to your organization’s success. A comprehensive benefits package is essential, yet many businesses overlook potential gaps in their executive benefits, particularly when it comes to life insurance, long-term disability (LTD), long-term care (LTC), and personal coverage. An Executive Benefit Review can help uncover these gaps and ensure your executives are adequately protected, allowing your company to thrive.

Potential Gaps in Executive Benefits

Here are five potential gaps in your executive benefits that could leave your organization vulnerable:

1. Inadequate Life Insurance Coverage: Many companies offer basic life insurance policies that may not be sufficient to replace an executive’s income or cover personal financial obligations. This gap can lead to significant financial stress for the executive’s family in the event of an unexpected death.

2. Limited Long-Term Disability Benefits: Standard LTD policies often provide only a percentage of an executive’s salary, which might not be enough to maintain their lifestyle or cover financial responsibilities. Additionally, these policies may not account for bonuses or other forms of compensation that are critical to their overall income.

3. Lack of Long-Term Care Insurance: As executives age, the need for long-term care may become a reality. Without proper LTC coverage, executives may face substantial out-of-pocket costs for healthcare services, which can drain their savings and impact their family’s financial stability.

4. Inadequate Personal Coverage: Executives often prioritize their professional responsibilities over personal well-being. This can lead to insufficient personal insurance policies that cover accidental injuries, critical illness, or other unforeseen circumstances that could impact their ability to work and provide for their families.

5. Failure to Account for Tax Implications: Many executives do not consider the tax implications of their benefits, which can erode their overall financial security. A well-structured benefits package should be designed not just for immediate needs but also with a comprehensive understanding of tax liabilities.

Executive Benefits Checklist

To help identify gaps in your executive benefits, consider using the following checklist:

  • Life Insurance

  – [ ] Do executives have sufficient life insurance coverage?

  – [ ] Is there a need for additional term or permanent life insurance to cover personal financial obligations?

  – [ ] Are insurance beneficiaries regularly updated?

  • Long-Term Disability (LTD)

  – [ ] Does the LTD policy adequately cover the executive’s full compensation package, including bonuses?

  – [ ] Are there any waiting periods that could leave executives financially vulnerable in the short term?

  – [ ] Is there an option for “own-occupation” coverage?

  • Long-Term Care (LTC)

  – [ ] Do executives have long-term care insurance in place?

  – [ ] Are there flexible policy options that match their evolving healthcare needs?

  – [ ] Have executives been educated about potential out-of-pocket costs and state-specific regulations?

  • Personal Coverage

  – [ ] Are there personal insurance policies in place to cover unexpected accidents or critical illnesses?

  – [ ] Is there adequate coverage for family members or dependents?

  – [ ] Are any personal insurance policies eligible for tax advantages?

  • Tax Implications

  – [ ] Have tax implications of benefits been reviewed and optimized?

  – [ ] Are there tax-advantaged accounts (like HSAs or FSAs) in place for executives?

  – [ ] Are executives aware of potential tax liabilities on their benefits?

Download a printable version of this checklist HERE.

An Executive Benefit Review aims to identify and fill the gaps in your executive benefits package, providing peace of mind for your top talent. By addressing these potential shortcomings related to life insurance, LTD, LTC, and personal coverage, you can build a robust benefits program that ensures your executives are adequately protected.

Taking the time to evaluate these key components not only serves your executives’ best interests but also enhances your organization’s ability to attract and retain top talent.

Schedule your Executive Benefit Review today and empower your executives with the security and financial stability they deserve.