Ep. 64 – Implementation of Housing Wealth, with Mitchell Cooper

What if we start looking at a reverse mortgage as THE financial tool to get your “longevity insurance” without even thinking of depleting your assets?

In part two of our insightful conversation with Mitchell Cooper, we dive deeper into the financial mechanics and unknown benefits of using reverse mortgages as a retirement plan. Mitchell also contextualizes reverse mortgages’ evolution and origins, which explain some of the most common misconceptions about them most retirees have, and highlights how reverse mortgages can provide financial flexibility without immediate repayment obligations.

Listen to episode 64 of On Life With Helen and learn how to set up a reverse mortgage that’ll allow you to defer withdrawals and maximize available funds in later years. You’ll also hear how to grow a financial cushion without affecting liquid assets, turning your reverse mortgage into your “longevity insurance,” the role behavioral aspects play in the effective use of reverse mortgages, how financial planners can help clients navigate the complexities of reverse mortgages, and much more.